Faculty of Art - Benha University

Monday, 09 January 2017 00:00
The university president launches the first initiative of E-learning around the Egyptian universities
Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president launches the first initiative of E-Learning in cooperation with the faculty of engineering and the faculty of computer and informatics. The university president asserts that this is the first initiative to turn the curriculums of the faculties to Electronic- curriculums. This statement concurs with the university president’s meeting with the leader council in the university in the presence of the vice presidents, the faculties’ deans, the university president chancellors and the secretary of the university.
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Monday, 09 January 2017 00:00
“The University Leaders are chosen according to Efficiency” says the University President
Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president asserts that the old concepts of labor should be changed to turn the society from consummation to production. The university president stresses on labor creativity and the importance of youth talk as every manager should hold a monthly meeting with his employees to communicate with them. The university president adds that the university leaders are chosen according to efficiency. This statement concurs with the university president meeting with the secretaries of the faculties and the CEOS. At the end of the meeting, the university president honors the secretaries of the faculties, who retired on pension, for their exerted effort in the service of the university.
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Monday, 23 January 2017 00:00
Benha University honors Mr. Ayman Tawfik, the head of the graduates affairs department in the faculty
Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president honors Mr. Ayman Tawfik, the head of the graduates affairs department in the faculty for his efforts exerted in representing the university at sport apparatus and also for winning the first place in chess. The faculty congratulates him wishing more success and prosperity.
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Tuesday, 24 January 2017 00:00
Doctoral Dissertation Discussion
There is a doctoral dissertation discussion of the researcher / Hany Mustafa Shawkat Hasan on wendesday, 25-1-2017. The dissertation discussion committee includes; prof.Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Abood, prof.Dr. Nazik Abd- El-Latif, prof.Dr. Ghada Abd- EL-Kader, prof.Dr. Ali Gamal EL-Din Ezat.
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Tuesday, 24 January 2017 00:00
The university president inspects the exams in the faculty
Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president suddenly visits the faculty of arts as he inspects the exams and makes sure that the rules set forth by the university are strictly followed. The university president is hosted by prof.Dr. Abeer El-Rabat, the faculty’s dean.
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Saturday, 28 January 2017 00:00
An Important condolence
The faculty’s dean, the faculty’s advisory board, the faculty’s members mourn the death of the sister of prof.Dr. Wailed Samir, the lecturer in the Arabic language department. May Allah rest her soul!
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Sunday, 29 January 2017 02:00
Scholarships to Japan for the faculty’s members
The Egyptian government offers, in cooperation with, the Japanese government a number of scholarships of the faculty’s members. These scholarships are under the auspices of teachers faculties. For those interested, kindly visit the conference hall in the ministry on Tuesday, 31-1-2017.
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Thursday, 12 January 2017 00:00
The University Leaders Council stand for a Minute to mourn “El-Masaaid” Martyrs
The university leaders council starts its procedures, its weekly session that is held at the faculty of the agriculture in Moshtohor, by standing for one minute to mourn the “El-Masaaid” martyrs who died in the mean terrorist attack. The session is held in the presence of prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of the community service and environment development, prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research, the faculties’ deans and the university president chancellors.
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Wednesday, 04 January 2017 00:00
The faculty of Arts welcomes the Chinese Students
Prof.Dr. Abeer EL-Rabat, the faculty’s dean welcomes the Chinese stduents who study in the faculty of Arts hoping they enjoy their stay in Egypt.
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Saturday, 07 January 2017 00:00
Cordial Congratulation to the Christians on the Christmas 2017
Prof.Dr. Abeer EL-Rabat, the faculty’s dean the faculty’s members, the employees and the students congratulate the Christians on the Christmas 2017 wishing all Egyptians enjoy the safety, joy and prosperity.
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