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Faculty of Art - Benha University

Prof.Dr. Gamal EL-Saeed, the University president attends the emergent meeting to keep an eye on the educational process under the presidency of prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the vice president of educational and students affairs. This meeting was held in the presence of the faculties' deans and IT units heads.

The general / Abd EL-Hamid EL-Hagan, the governor of qulubia and prof.Dr. Gamal EL-Saeed inaugurates new heart catheterization unit in Benha University's hospitals in the presence of the dean of the faculty of medicine and head of the board of the University hospitals, the former vice president of post-graduate studies, and the general manager of the university hospitals.

Prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the vice president of students and educational affairs visit the room of E-Learning to inspect that everything is up and running in addition to making sure that the lectures are fully uploaded for the students to study online.

Prof.Dr. Randa Mustafa, the vice president of environment and community development announces that the University has taken many precautionary measures to contain the outbreak of covid-19 pandemic by beginning to sanitize the main administrative buildings of the University.

The university president announces that AGA organization has decided to grant the University the Iso quality certificate 9001/2015 for three years according to the report of the assessment team who visited the university under the presidency of Eng/ Ahmed Osman.

The university president inspects the sanitizing procedures in the faculties of the education and commerce in addition to the University hostels in Kafr- Saad respectively. He was accompanied by the deans of the faculties of education and commerce, the general supervisor of the University's hostels and Mr. Refaat Nan, the assistant secretary general of the administrative affairs.

The university president stresses that the university has been put into action the new system of complaints since last April and he orders the administration of citizens' services not to receive any paper complaints, but these complaints have to be sent via the customized mail of the new complaints system. These procedures come in accordance with the precautionary measures to contain the outbreak of covid-19 pandemic.

Prof.Dr. Randa Mustafa, the vice president of environment development and community service announces that the University spreads out many posters to increase the public awareness of covid-19 pandemic. This step has been taken in cooperation with the medical affairs directorate in the governorate.

Prof.Dr. Gamal EL-Saeed, the University president decides to grant a bonus for the employees and the doctors in the University hospitals in appreciation of their massive efforts to fight the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic.

Prof.Dr. Gamal EL-Saeed, the University president holds an online meeting with the faculties' deans and several students from different faculties in the presence of prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the vice president of student and educational affairs and prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Giaway, the vice president of post-graduate studies to keep an eye on carrying out the plan of E-Learning.