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Faculty of Art - Benha University

Monday, 03 February 2020 09:48

New Appointments at Benha University

Dr.\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University president has issued several decrees to appoint new deputies at faculty of Specific Education. The decree includes appointing Dr\ Ghada Abd El Fattah Shaker as the Faculty deputy for Education and Students affairs, Dr.\ Hany Shehta Ibrahim as the Faculty deputy for Community Service and Environment Affairs, Dr.\ Hala Yehia El Sayed as the head of Kindergarten department and Dr\ Marouf Ahmed Marouf as the head of Art Education department. 

Prof.Dr.\ Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs participates at opening activities of Universities' Girls Week at El Fayoum University. The Girls' week and its activities last for the 6th of February, 2020 where 25 universities participate at it.  El Maghraby has met Benha University delegation which includes 80 students under auspices of Dr.\ Musbah El Kehily, the General Manager of Youth Care and the manager of students' activities. El Maghraby encourages all participants of Benha University to do their best to achieve the best results for the sake of Benha University.El Maghraby assured on his word that Benha University under presidency of Dr\ Gamal El Saeed is keen on motivating various activities and initiatives which aim to strengthen relations among students and keep them in touch together.

Benha University delegation at Universities' Girls Week at El Fayoum got 5 medals at the activities .Benha University delegation has participated at the various activities under presidency of Dr.\ Gamal El Saeed , Benha University President and Prof.Dr.\ Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs. The Girls' week and its activities last for the 6th of February, 2020 where 25 universities participate at it.  El Maghraby has met Benha University delegation which includes 80 students under auspices of Dr.\ Musbah El Kehily, the General Manager of Youth Care and the manager of students' activities.El Maghraby assured on his word that Benha University under presidency of Dr\ Gamal El Saeed is keen on motivating various activities and initiatives which aim to strengthen relations among students and keep them in touch together.

Prof.Dr.\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President has inspected faculties of Commerce and Arts at the 1st week of the 2nd semester. El Saeed was accompanied by Dr.\Abeer El Rabat, Faculty of Arts dean and Dr.\ Mustafa El Abady, Faculty of Commerce dean. El Saeed checked lectures' halls, maintenance works and listened to students opinions and complains and assured on keeping in touch with students. El Saeed encouraged students to participate at activities and do their best to get the best results.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020 09:42

El Maghraby inspects Faculty of Law

Prof.Dr.\ Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs has inspected faculty of Law at the 1st week of the 2nd semester. El Saeed was accompanied by Prof.Dr.\Reda Abd El Halim, Faculty of Law dean, deputies of the Faculty and Faculty members' staff. El Maghraby checked lectures' halls, maintenance works and listened to students opinions and complains and assured on keeping in touch with students. El Maghraby encouraged students to participate at activities and do their best to get the best results.

     The general / Abd EL-Hamid EL-Hagan, Al Qalyubia governor, Prof.Dr. Gamal EL-Saeed, Benha University president, Prof.Dr. Samir Hamad, the deputy of the governor and Mr. Taha Aglan, the deputy of the directorate of Education participated at the ceremony of honoring the top students in Qualubia governorate fair of Science and Engineering. The ceremony was held in the presence of Prof.Dr. Aref Soliman, Benha Faculty of Engineering dean and Faculty of Medicine dean in addition to the top figures of the education directorate.


Dr.\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President received a student's delegation from Suez University. The meeting was held in presence of Prof.Dr.\ Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs , Dr\ Mahmoud El Maghraby , Faculty of Agriculture dean , Dr .\ Khalid Esawy , the general coordinator of Students'' activities and Dr.\ Musbah El Kehily , the general manager of Youth Care .  El Saeed assured that the initiative of students' exchange among universities aims to strengthen relations among universities, adding to their experience and knowledge and building their personalities. El Saeed motioned that the next week is going to witness another students' exchange between Benha University and Al- Menofia University.

      Dr\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University president witnessed the Inauguration Ceremony of the Students' in presence of Prof.Dr.\ Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs, Prof.Dr. Randa Mohamed Ahmed Mustafa , Benha University Vice- President for Community Service Affairs , Dr .\ Khalid Esawy , the general coordinator of Students'' activities , Deans and deputies of faculties , Dr.\ Musbah El Kehily , the general manager of Youth Care and Muhammad Zaky , the Head of Students' . On his word, El Saeed congratulated the new students union and hoped for them best wishes and promised them to support them to activate the various activities and to keep in touch with him and the University leaders to listen to their suggestions, complaints and opinions .El Maghraby assured on his word that he would do his best to help them achieve new achievements

Prof.Dr. Randa Mohamed Ahmed Mustafa, Benha University Vice- President for Community Service Affairs opens a charity exhibition for clothes at the Great hall of Commerce Faculty in cooperation with Lions Club. The exhibition is held under presidency of Dr.\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President. On her word, Randa Mustafa said that the exhibition is an image of support and solidarity which organized by the University in terms of its social responsibility. She also stressed that Benha University does not spare an effort to cooperate with civil society institutions to serve the community and students.Randa Mustafa mentioned that the exhibition included more than 1,200 pieces of clothes and shoes of various kinds, which are sold at low prices, in order to relieve the shoulders of students and their families, adding that the exhibition has witnessed a large turnout of students in various colleges of the university

Prof.Dr.\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President has inspected faculties of Physical Education and physical therapy at Kafr Saad. El Saeed was accompanied by Prof.Dr.\ Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs, Prof.Dr. Randa Mohamed Ahmed Mustafa , Benha University Vice- President for Community Service Affairs and Dr.\ Walid Tallat , Faculty of Physical therapy dean . El Saeed inspected halls, offices and medical supplies .El Saeed also inspected faculty of Physical Education and its halls, supplies, playgrounds, maintenance works.