The final list of the candidates for the deanship postion in the faculty of education 23-1-2019
Prof.Dr. Hussein magraby, the acting university president announces that the final checkup of the professors who apply for the deanship position in the faculty of education after closing the door for all grievances on Wednesday, 23-1-2019. The final list of the candidates are as follows:
Eman Muhammad Abd EL-Haq
Alaa EL-Din Saad Metwaly
Ali Abd EL-naby Muhammad
The inauguration of the international conference of higher education development in Benha University 22-1-2019
Today's morning, the international conference of higher education development has been inaugurated. This conference is organized in Benha University from 22-1-2019 to 23-1-2019 under the auspices of prof.Dr. Khalid Abd EL-Gafar, the minister of higher education, prof.Dr. Hussein Magraby, the acting university president and prof.Dr. Alaa Abd EL-Halim, the qulubia governor.
Announcing the final result of the international publishing contest for july 2018
Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the supervisor of the cultural and scientfic affairs in the sector of the post graduate studies annonces, under the presidency of prof.Dr .Husisen EL-magraby, the supreme committee of the international ranknig of the universites has endorsed the final result of the international publishing contest for july 2018.
Announcing the final result of the international publishing contest for july 2018
Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the supervisor of the cultural and scientfic affairs in the sector of the post graduate studies annonces, under the presidency of prof.Dr .Husisen EL-magraby, the supreme committee of the international ranknig of the universites has endorsed the final result of the international publishing contest for july 2018.
Announcing the final result of the international publishing contest for july 2018
Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the supervisor of the cultural and scientfic affairs in the sector of the post graduate studies annonces, under the presidency of prof.Dr .Husisen EL-magraby, the supreme committee of the international ranknig of the universites has endorsed the final result of the international publishing contest for july 2018.
Announcing the final result of the international publishing contest for july 2018
Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the supervisor of the cultural and scientfic affairs in the sector of the post graduate studies annonces, under the presidency of prof.Dr .Husisen EL-magraby, the supreme committee of the international ranknig of the universites has endorsed the final result of the international publishing contest for july 2018.
Announcing the final result of the international publishing contest for july 2018
Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the supervisor of the cultural and scientfic affairs in the sector of the post graduate studies annonces, under the presidency of prof.Dr .Husisen EL-magraby, the supreme committee of the international ranknig of the universites has endorsed the final result of the international publishing contest for july 2018.
Extending the time to fill the postion of the manager of the center of genral service for informatics and inoformation technology 28-11-2108
The sector of the enviroment development and community serivce announces that the time for filling the postion of the manager of the center of genral service for informatics and information technology is extended fro one week after publishing the announcement .
" the university students have to chooose their worthy representatives in the students's union" says EL-magraby
The council of the educational and student affair discusses, in its meeting under the presidency of prof.Dr. hussien Magraby, the acting univesity president, the faculties's prepartions to hold the stduents elections in the presence of the faculties' deputies of the educational and students affairs and prof,Dr. khalid Esawi. The acting university president says tthat the stduents have to choose their worthy representatives in the students'.
A great demand of the univeristy's students of the clothes fair
Benha university organzies, under the university president's auspices, a clothes fair to the university's stduents . this event is orangized by the sector of the community service in cooperation with Iranol club. It is inaugrated by prof.Dr. Eman EL-Bitar and in presence of prof.Dr. Soheir Sharaway.