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Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president congratulates his Excellency Mr. president/ Abdel Fattah EL-Sisi, the head of the state the general/ Mohamed Ahmed Zaki, the minister of defense and the military production, the general/ Osama Rushdie Asker, the Army chief of staff and the staff Brigadier general/ Fahmy Heakal, the secretary-general of the ministry of defense and the military leaders on the occasion of Sinai liberation day.

Under the auspices of the University president Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, the innovation and entrepreneurship center invites the Egyptian Universities’ students to take part at the second innovation exhibition in Benha University entitled “Made in Egypt”. It’s noteworthy that this exhibition will be held on Sunday that corresponds to 21-5-2023 keeping in mind that the participants will submit their creations till Monday that corresponds to 15-5-2023.

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president pays a sudden visit to inspect the University hospital, in particular the specialized center of ophthalmology and eye surgery in order to keep an eye on the medical service provided to the patients in the diverse departments in the center.

He also insects the development works that are conducted in the department of surgery and operations, the economic treatment rooms in the presence of Prof.Dr. Mohamed EL- Ashab, the dean of faculty of medicine and head of the University hospitals board, Prof.Dr. Amr EL-Dakakney, the executive manager of the University hospitals and Prof.Dr. Hamdy EL-Gazar, the head of Trachoma department.

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president stresses that the state of emergency should be increased for the Easter and Eid EL-Fitr. He also orders that the medications and the medical requirements should be available 24/7 and the doctors and nursing teams should be ready to handle any case of emergency during the holidays. He states that the patients and their families should be well-treated and taken care of. BU president says that the university is keen to develop the University hospitals and increase its own capacity to handle more patients as per the strategic plan adopted by the Egyptian state. This is necessarily done to cope with the instructions of his Excellency Mr. president/ Abdel Fattah EL-Sisi to hone the healthcare system in Egypt.

 Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president announces the details of the visit to the investment zone in Benha. This visit is organized, as a part of the presidential initiative “check it out yourself” by the central administration of the youth care, the military education administration of the University, the leadership of the popular and military defense forces. It’s noteworthy that the investment zone is a great edifice that includes several industrial and logistic units.

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president thanks the Egyptian Armed forces, in particular the engineering authority, for its exerted efforts to carry out the national big projects built in Qulubia governorate. He adds that this visit comes in accordance with several university- organized visits in cooperation with Colonel/ Mohamed Tharwat, the head of the military education administration as a part of the presidential initiative “check it out yourself” launched by his excellency Mr. President/ Abdel Fattah EL-Sisi to let the University students aware of the national big projects and the efforts conducted by the state to achieve the aims of Egypt vision 2030 of sustainable development.

Under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president, Prof.Dr. Mahmoud Sakr, the head of the scientific research and technology Academy, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, the entrepreneurship club of the innovation support, marketing and technology dissemination office in Benha University holds its first training events in the week of entrepreneurship under the title of “innovation and entrepreneurship… from an idea to a startup”.

This event comes in accordance with Benha University’s endeavor to celebrate the international day of innovation and creation on 21-4-2023 so as to increase the awareness of the great role of innovation and creation in the problems-solving and the sustainability of the economic development and the community progress.

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president honors the crises and disasters control unit in Benha hospital heaping praise on what they have done to promote the safety and professional healthcare system in the University hospitals. This takes place in the presence of Prof.Dr. Amr EL-Dakakney, the executive manager of the university hospitals and Eng. Ann Nagy, the head of the crises and disasters control unit in the University hospitals. BU president states that this unit is established in accordance with the training conducted to overcome the crises and disasters. He stresses that the safety and professional healthcare system isn’t confined to the preservation of the buildings, but it seeks to keep the people safe and sound.

Colonel/ Abd EL-Hamid EL-Hagan, Qulubia governor and Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president preside, on Saturday evening, over a delegation in order to attend the fellow Christians’ celebrations of the Easter at Virgin Mary Church in Benha. This takes place in the presence of Prof.Dr. Eman Rayan, Prof.Dr. Samir Hamad, the governor’s deputies, Colonel, Hisham Khashaba, the governor’s secretary-general, Brigadier general, Tarik Abd EL-Moaty, the military chancellor of the governorate, Prof.Dr. Khalid EL-Tayib, the deputy minister of health ministry in Qulubia, sheikh, Mamdouh Abdel Gawad, the head of the central administration in Qulubia, Mr. Mohamed Mara3i, the head of Benha city council and several security and executive leaders in the governorate. The governor and accompanied delegation were hosted by bishop/ Machismos of Benha and Qwisna and several fathers, priests and bishops and they express their joy for having the governor and BU president to celebrate the Easter with their fellow Christians.

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president congratulates the faculties’ members, the employees and the students on the occasion of the Easter wishing Egypt and Benha University a happy feast.

BU council holds its meeting, under the presidency of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president, in the presence of Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the vice president of post-graduate studies and scientific research, Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, the faculties’ deans, the council members. BU president begins his speech by thanking the University’s diverse sectors for their exerted efforts in 2022 asserting that the university has developed with regard to many aspects by providing a great environment of learning and the scientific research for all students and magnifying the partnership with the local and the regional communities.