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The French department is glad to announce that students are welcomed on Wednesday, 5-10-2016. The meeting is in the presence of prof.Dr. Abeer el-Rabat, the faculty staff members to discuss the following:

1-    The vision and mission of the faculty

2-    The programs of the department

3-    Student activities 

Under the auspices of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed el-Kady, the university president, there is cooperation between Benha University and the Japanese organization in Cairo to inaugurate the Japanese department at the faculty. Mr. Takahashi promised to visit the faculty to get in touch with the students.

Monday, 17 October 2016 00:00

Important Condolence

The faculty dean, prof. Dr. Abeer El-Rabat, employees and the faculty deputies and staff members mourn the death of the nephew of prof.Dr. Iman Abd el-hameed, at the department of geography, who die as a martyr in Sinai by terrorists.

      Prof.Dr. Abeer El Rabat, the Faculty dean congratulates faculty members, employees, and students on the occasion of Eid Ul-Adha …. May the Blessings of Allah Fill our Life and our beloved Egypt with Peace, Joy and Prosperity. 

    Prof. Dr. Hesham Abu El Enin, Benha University Vice-president for Postgraduate Studies and Researches' Affairs congratulates faculty members, employees, and students on the occasion of Eid Ul-Adha …. May the Blessings of Allah Fill our Life and our beloved Egypt with Peace, Joy and Prosperity

      Prof. Dr. El Sayed Yusuf El Kady, the President of Benha University congratulates faculty members, employees, and students on the occasion of Eid Ul-Adha …. May the Blessings of Allah Fill our Life and our beloved Egypt with Peace, Joy and Prosperity. 

      Prof. Dr. El Sayed Yusuf El Kady, the President of Benha University congratulates faculty members, employees, and students on the occasion of Eid Ul-Adha …. May the Blessings of Allah Fill our Life and our beloved Egypt with Peace, Joy and Prosperity. 

Prof.Dr. Gamal Ismael, Benha University Vice-president for Community Service and Environment Affairs participated at the National Day celebrations of Al – Qaliubiya Governorate in presence of Dr.Reda Farahat, Al Qaliubiya governor, deputies of cities, executive leaders at the governorate, parliament members.    Prof.Dr. Gamal Ismael declared that Benha University has a strong coordination between the University and executive leaders at the governorate and it will continue its role in serving people at the Governorate by introducing free courses for students, medical care, medical campaign, curing virus C, agricultural campaign and other services. 

Prof.Dr.El Sayed El Kady, the President of Benha University has approved to establish a unit to market scientific research and link it with our community. He pointed that; this Unit will include branches at all faculties. He also mentioned that, the new Unit will reduce the burden on the general budget in addition to supporting the national industry projects and developing it.

    Prof.Dr. Sayed El Kady, the President of Benha University has inspected playgrounds at Faculty of Physical Education in presence of Dr.Khaled Esawy, the General Coordinator of students’ activities, Mr. Waheed Khalawy, The General Secretary of the University and Mr. Zain Sarhan, the General Manager of Security at the University. The University president has confirmed that he will pay more attention for sport activities at the University and prepare its buildings and playgrounds for the new academic year 2016\2017.