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 The Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector in the Ministry of Higher Education announces for launching a new application to facilitate the applying to the Egyptian universities for the foreign students throughout the free service at the Sector website.

   In cooperation with Special Education and Rehabilitation Organization (SERO), Benha University organizes the 7th Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Education about “the integration and empowerment of people with special needs in education and community”. 
The Conference will be held in the duration from 10/07 to 11/07/2016 at the University Great Hall of Celebrations under the auspices of Dr. Reda Farahat, Qalyoubia Governor; Dr. Ali Shams El Din, the University President; and Dr. Hesham Abu El Enin, the University Vice-president for Postgraduate Studies and Researches' Affairs. 

      The Faculty of Arts, Cairo University will hold the Regional Conference of the Geography Department under the title of “the role of geography in the problems of our Arab world” in the duration from 07/03/2017 to 09/03/2017.
The Conference aims to support and activate the Arab scientific cooperation for enhancing integration values and the Arab unity.

Prof. Dr. Soliman Mustafa, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs announces for a free training program for the University student cadres from heads and members of student unions and initiatives that will be held in the duration from 26/07/2016 to 04/08/2016.

Despite of its establishment in 2014; the Agricultural Research Center in the Faculty of Agriculture in Moshtohor, Benha University has witnessed a significant shift in its way to achieve its desired objectives depending on experiences of its professors and researches. The Center has become a destination for many countries like China, India and Spain as well as many Arab and African countries.

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ali Shams El Din, the University President and Prof. Dr. Gamal Ismail, the University Vice-president for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs; the University has participated in the Week of (You're Beautiful, My Country) Initiative for cleanliness and beauty with coordination of the Executive Bodies in Qalyoubia and Dar Akhbar Elyom.

 The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) announces for the Program of “Integrated Leading Researches of Africa Agenda 2030” which offers grants of up to £90,000 for 2 years.
     The Program focuses on global environmental change, disaster risk reduction, sustainable energy, human health and well-being in urban environments as well as future earth. The Program aims to promote scientific exchange and provide opportunities for young researchers in Africa. Outstanding early career scientists will also have opportunities for career development through participation in international scientific committees and conferences, working groups, and inter-governmental policy processes. For more information:

Wednesday, 13 July 2016 00:00

BA launches an African Research Portal

 Referring to its role a meeting point for cultures and civilizations, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) has established an African Research portal to improve research publications for professors and students as well as raising the digital challenge in order to develop African innovation through the use of science and technology in networks that extend throughout Africa. The new goal set by the BA is to connect those with common interests and expertise to hasten the development of knowledge and enable immediate sharing of knowledge and contributions.
For more information: 
The Library just produced a wonderful video on BA Africa which describe our efforts to build research capacity in Africa. Please review this at: 
It is this backbone we are using to build statistical capacity in Africa and Arab countries.

 The Faculty of Science, Tanta University is very pleased to invite you to take part in the Ninth International Symposium on Geophysics (ISG-9) which will be held in the duration from 21 to 22 November, 2016 under the title of “Geophysical Advances in Prospection for Conventional and Unconventional Economic Resources”. It is worth mentioning that the Symposium will be held under the auspices of Prof. Ashraf El Shihy, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Benha University and the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) have organized training courses to introduce the “Children University Project” and form the team work from the concerned faculty members under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ali Shams El Din, the University President and Prof. Dr. Soliman Mustafa, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs.