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Thursday, 15 June 2017 00:00

An important condolence

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Prof.Dr. Hesham Abu el-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research asserts that a feasibility study should be conduct to establish a department of the handicapped at the central library in Benha University. This statement concurs with the library committee meeting under his presidency and in the presence of Mr. Wahid Khalawy, the general secretary of the university, prof.Dr. Osama Hamid, the deputy of the faculty of arts, prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizawy, the deputy of the faculty of agriculture, prof.Dr. Osama Foaud, the deputy of the faculty of the faculty of physical education, prof.Dr. Khalid Eid, the deputy of the faculty of arts for the post-graduate studies and the rapporteurs of the libraries committees in the faculties of the university.

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-Kady, the university president decides that the university’s hospitals should stay alert to receive all the injured in addition that he calls prof.Dr. Mahmoud Abu Sabour, the dean of the faculty of medicine and Dr. Yosry EL-Saied, the general manager of the university’s hospital to make sure that everything is up and running in the hospitals.

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-Kady, the university president meets with the Kuwaiti national delegation of accreditation and quality assurance in presence of the chancellor/ Ahmed EL-Meteri, the Kuwaiti cultural chancellor in Cairo and they discuss the required procedures to achieve a quality educational process in the university’s faculties. The meeting is attended by prof.Dr. Hussien Abaza, the dean of the faculty of physical education, prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the dean of the faculty of law, prof. Dr. Abeer EL-Rabat, the dean of the faculty of arts, prof.Dr. Eid Hemida, the dean of the faculty of commerce.

According to Benha University’s policy of openness on the world and the visit of the university president to the University of Surrey, Benha university will host, form 24-5-2017 to 25-5-2017, prof.Dr. Ali Mobashri, associate dean in the University of Surrey who will deliver three lectures as follows:

1-    The first lecture is entitled “Using twitter to promote yourself, your institution and your publications” and it will be held at 10:30 a.m. in the faculty of commerce.

2-    The second lecture is entitled “Publishing your research- Guidance for (young and old) researchers and it will be held at 12:30p.m in the faculty of commerce.

3-     The third lecture (25-5-2017) is entitled “basic principles of immunohistochemistry” at 10:30 a.m. in the faculty of veterinary medicine.

It is important to say that those who will register first will attend first by sending a message including the name and the faculty via the following mails:

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Or kindly visit the website of the international relations for more information as follows:

The university leaders council, under the presidency of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, approves to apply the Healthcare insurance service to the faculty’s members within Benha University and its hospitals.

The university leaders council, under the presidency of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, approves on the suggestion of prof.Dr. Mahmoud Abd EL-Sabour, the dean of the faculty of medicine to set up a unit of transplantation in hospitals of Benha University. 

Prof.Dr. Gamal EL-Sayed ABD el-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning center visits the faculty of applied arts, the faculty of medicine and the faculty of nursing and he gives a presentation to show the exerted efforts in order to carry out the ambitious plan of the university and the importance to stick to its activities. He also stresses that the strategic planning units in the faculties should be activated and working across the aisle with the main center of the strategic planning in the university.

Under the auspices of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research, Benha University’s delegation participates in in a workshop about the new open learning in the University of Ein-shams on Thursday, 11-5-2017. Prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the university president chancellor of IT, prof.Dr. Mohammad Ghanem, the vice executive manager of IT and the head of the E-Learning center in the university, prof.Dr. Osama EL-Khiat, the head of the open learning center.

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed el-kady, the university president inaugurates the annual scientific conference of the faculty of agriculture that is about the national projects and the agricultural development in the presence of prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies, prof.Dr. Mahmoud Eraqi, the dean of the faculty of agriculture, the faculties’ deans, the departments’ heads and the faculties’ members. The university president stresses on the importance of using the scientific potentials in the agriculture and production.