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General Rules for a Master's Degree

The study for obtaining a master's degree includes compulsory and optional courses in pursuit of scientific progress in the field of specialization, the study ends with the preparation of a thesis accepted by the examination committee and assigned a number of credit hours to be determined by each department. The period required to obtain this degree is not less than two years from the date of enrollment.

Registration requirements for Master's degree

To enroll the student in the master's degree, the following requirements are required:

  1. Must have a bachelor's degree in the branch of specialization or related branches with at least a good general grade.
  2. Must have a bachelor's degree in specialization from one of the Egyptian universities or non-Egyptian universities corresponding to them with a general grade of C + at least in the average of his estimates during the years of study and an estimate of (B-) in the specialization branch. (C) In these courses, noting that supplementary courses are not calculated in the GPA.
  3. The student's file shall be transferred to the appropriate scientific department to express an opinion and to appoint an academic advisor to the student.
  4. Upon the proposal of the department council and the approval of the college council, the student may register for a master's degree in a different specialization from the bachelor's degree subject to passing the student for a number of supplementary courses of not less than 12 credit hours at the bachelor's level or higher with a maximum of 8 courses. (C +) at least before taking Master's degree courses. It is not counted as part of the degree program and is not included in the GPA.
  5. The department council shall form the supervisory committee of the master's thesis. The academic advisor may be one of its members. The principal scientific supervisor shall be the work of the academic supervisor.
  6. In the case of the participation of an external supervisor of the supervisory committee who is not a member of the faculty of Egyptian universities, he must have a doctorate, explain the reasons for the contribution of this member, provide a CV of his sovereignty and clarify the role he will play in supervising the thesis. This shall be presented to the Department Council, the Graduate Studies Committee, and then the College Council.