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Registration for the Master's and Ph.D. Degree

  1. Registration is compulsory for the student to be allowed to attend courses required for obtaining the degree.
  2. A student who does not register before the end of the second week of the semester (or the first week of the summer semester) is not allowed to attend the lectures and is not entitled to take the exam., and is considered absent from the study only if the procedures to stop the registration are taken.
  3. Students who are expected to graduate must complete the form before the beginning of the final semester so that the department can determine the number of new students who can be accepted in the next semester.

Continue to register for the thesis

  1. The student (PhD) records the hours of research after success in the qualifying examination and receives the degree after successfully discussing the thesis.
  2. Registration fees for thesis hours are equivalent to half the registration fees for other study hours.
  3. The registration of the student to the research units shall continue in all semesters until the completion of the preparation of the research to be presented to the committee of judgment and discussion without interruption, unless the student took the procedures to stop enrollment.