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“A regular meeting with the Omani students in Benha University” says EL-Kady in his meeting with the Omani cultural attaché in Cairo

“A regular meeting with the Omani students in Benha University” says EL-Kady in his meeting with the Omani cultural attaché in Cairo

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Prof. Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president hosts, in his office on wendesday morning, prof.Dr. Mona bent Mousa EL-zedgally, the Omani cultural attaché in Cairo. This meeting is attended by prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, several faculties’ members and Mr. Wahid Khalawy, the general secretary of the university. This meeting discusses many Omani stduents related issues who study in Benha University.   

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