The Faculty of Arts at Benha University seeks to achieve leadership and excellence in the fields of Arts and Humanities...


The Faculty of Arts, Benha University is committed to preparing graduates capable of research and innovation...


Develop the foreign languages laboratory to accommodate 50 students within three years...


Calls for Applications to the Scientific Cooperation Projects between AUF Universities 2016

Calls for Applications to the Scientific Cooperation Projects between AUF Universities 2016

The Middle East Office of the AUF calls for applications to apply for the Scientific Cooperation Projects between AUF Universities 2016 throughout multilateral research projects of researchers in doctoral and postdoctoral aiming to develop the Middle East area through the following research fields: (Education Science - Humanities and Social Sciences – Law- Economy – Science of Environment, Water, and Energy – Biology and Health – Technology – Engineering – Mathematics – Chemistry).

Calls for Applications to the Scientific Cooperation Projects between AUF Universities 2016

Calls for Applications to the Scientific Cooperation Projects between AUF Universities 2016




Calls for Applications to the Scientific Cooperation Projects between AUF Universities 2016 The Middle East Office of the AUF calls for applications to apply for the Scientific Cooperation Projects between AUF Universities 2016 throughout multilateral research projects of researchers in doctoral and postdoctoral aiming to develop the Middle East area through the following research fields: (Education Science - Humanities and Social Sciences – Law- Economy – Science of Environment, Water, and Energy – Biology and Health – Technology – Engineering – Mathematics – Chemistry).

Deadline for applying is 30 May 2016





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