The Faculty of Arts at Benha University seeks to achieve leadership and excellence in the fields of Arts and Humanities...


The Faculty of Arts, Benha University is committed to preparing graduates capable of research and innovation...


Develop the foreign languages laboratory to accommodate 50 students within three years...


Benha University is in higher education fair

Benha University is in higher education fair



Benha University’s section that was inaugurated by prof.Dr. Khalid Abd EL-Gafer, the minister of higher education, achieves great success. There are many visitors who pays a visit to the fair that 50 universities take part in. the visitors are very keen on let their sons get enrolled in the faculties of Benha University.

Outstanding results at the end of the Silk Road’s universities meeting

Outstanding results at the end of the Silk Road’s universities meeting


On Friday, Benha university’s delegation presided by prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-kady returned back home after a business tour in Kazakhstan where he attended the Silk Road’s universities meeting. This meeting is attended by the representatives of many universities in Russia, Hong Kong, England, China and Kazakhstan. This meeting ends up with many outstanding results that benefit both sides.

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