The Faculty of Arts at Benha University seeks to achieve leadership and excellence in the fields of Arts and Humanities...


The Faculty of Arts, Benha University is committed to preparing graduates capable of research and innovation...


Develop the foreign languages laboratory to accommodate 50 students within three years...


Benha University holds the second international Egyptian-Chinese conference next October

Benha University holds the second international Egyptian-Chinese conference next October

The responsible committee, which organizes the second international Egyptian-Chinese conference that will be held next October under the auspices of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university, will hold its first meeting under the presidency of prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research in the presence of the dean of the following faculties; agriculture, veterinary medicine, engineering/ Benha, engineering/ Shubra in addition to the university president chancellors of scientific research , international relationships and the members of the executive committee.

The challenges and the solutions of the international publishing is a conference to be held in Benha University

The challenges and the solutions of the international publishing is a conference to be held in Benha University

Benha university organizes the second international conference entitled “The challenges and the solutions of the international publishing” under the auspices of Prof. Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research and the head of the conference from 18-4-2017 to 19-4-2017 at the conference hall.


EL-Kady meets with the quality assurance team

EL-Kady meets with the quality assurance team

Prof. Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president meets with the quality assurance team who pays a visit to the faculties of arts, specific education, and engineering. The team is headed by prof.Dr. Adel Mubarak, the vice president of EL-Monifya University of student and education affairs. EL-Kady discusses with the team the preparations of the faculties, the meetings with the faculties members, the students and the employees. The team moves to the faculty of arts to meet with prof.Dr. Abeer EL-Rabat, the faculty’s dean to discuss the preparations of the faculty to get the accreditation. 

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