The Faculty of Arts at Benha University seeks to achieve leadership and excellence in the fields of Arts and Humanities...


The Faculty of Arts, Benha University is committed to preparing graduates capable of research and innovation...


Develop the foreign languages laboratory to accommodate 50 students within three years...


The non-governmental Benha University (under construction) announces its need to hire faculties' members and teaching staff

The non-governmental Benha University (under construction) announces its need to hire faculties' members and teaching staff

The non-governmental Benha University (under construction) announces its need to hire faculties' members (professor- assistant professor- lecturer) and teaching staff (assistant lecturer- demonstrator) for the following faculties:

  • The faculty of medicine
  • The faculty of optical arts and design
  • The program of inner design and furniture
  • The program of media and advertisement
  • The program of sculpture, civil engineering and reformation
  • The faculty of economics and business administration
  • The program of business administration and international relationships
  • The program of digital marketing and electronic works
  • The program of economics and international finance
  • The program of accounting and business informatics
Opening the candidature of the deanship position in the faculty of arts

Opening the candidature of the deanship position in the faculty of arts

The deans'ion committee, under the presidency of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, announces that the candidature of the deanship position in the faculty of arts is now opened from 26-7-2022 to 2-8-2022 in the University's main premise at the office of vice president of educational and students affairs.

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