The Faculty of Arts at Benha University seeks to achieve leadership and excellence in the fields of Arts and Humanities...


The Faculty of Arts, Benha University is committed to preparing graduates capable of research and innovation...


Develop the foreign languages laboratory to accommodate 50 students within three years...


El Saeed opens Coptic arts Aesthetics Exhibition at Faculty of Specific Education

El Saeed opens Coptic arts Aesthetics Exhibition at Faculty of Specific Education

Dr\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President opened Coptic arts Aesthetics Exhibition at Faculty of Specific Education in presence of Dr\ Mohammed Ibrahim, the Faculty dean, deputies, the Faculty secretary and staff. Dr\ Ola Tallat said that exhibition includes more than 100 pieces of Coptic arts and it made by students of the 2nd year under supervisor of the faculty members staff and their assistants
Dr\ Gamal El Saeed inspects Exams' halls –Labs- Workshops' halls

Dr\ Gamal El Saeed inspects Exams' halls –Labs- Workshops' halls

Dr \ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President inspected playgrounds of Physical Education Faculty at Kasr Saad and maintenance works at Faculty of Computer and Artificial Intelligence. During his visit, El Saeed confirmed on safety rules and presence of fire extinguishers to avoid any emergency. He also inspected labs, exams' halls and workshops and assured on providing all means of comfort and care to students.
New Appointments for Deputies at Faculties

New Appointments for Deputies at Faculties

Dr\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President has issued several decrees to appoint deputies and departments' heads at faculties. The decrees were as following; Dr\ Araby Abd El Aziz El Tukhy was appointed as Faculty of Arts deputy for Community Service and Environment development affairs, Dr\ Mervat Mahdy Ramadan was appointed as the head of Statistics and mathematics department at Faculty of Commerce and Dr\ Samy Mohammed Ahmed was appointed as the head of Accounting department at Faculty of Commerce. The University president hopes for all of them best wishes and great success at their new positions.
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