The Faculty of Arts at Benha University seeks to achieve leadership and excellence in the fields of Arts and Humanities...


The Faculty of Arts, Benha University is committed to preparing graduates capable of research and innovation...


Develop the foreign languages laboratory to accommodate 50 students within three years...


Benha University announces the verification of the faculty of engineering/ Shubra official page of Facebook and warns against fake pages

Benha University announces the verification of the faculty of engineering/ Shubra official page of Facebook and warns against fake pages

Under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president and Prof.Dr. Ayman EL-Shehaby, the faculty’s dean, the faculty’s official page on Facebook has been verified as the first faculty to do so in order to help the faculty’s graduates, students, faculty’s members to keep an eye of the updates of their faculty. The University president asserts that the pages of the faculties should be verified in cooperation with the IT units so as to spread out the true news and avoid the fake pages of the social media platforms. The faculty’s dean urges those interested in following the faculty’s latest news to visit the following official page on Facebook:

The candidature is opened for the deanship position in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra

The candidature is opened for the deanship position in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra

The deans’ selection committee, under the presidency of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president, announces that the candidature is opened for the deanship position in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra from Tuesday which corresponds to 16-5-2023 to Tuesday which corresponds to 23-3-2023 in the office of the University president. The University wishes all the candidates luck in the running for the deanship position of the faculty of engineering/ Shubra.

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