A workshop about developing the medical education and scientific researches in the university hospitals
Prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the vice president of educational and student’s affairs hosts in his office Dr.Maria Alivera, the medical chancellor of the international publishing house and the ambassador of the Europe, Middle east, Africa and Asia. This meeting was held in the presence of Nasser EL-Gizaway and Dr. Ahmed Youssef, the professor at the faculty of medicine in Benha University.
El-Magraby hosts the delegation of the national center of measurement in the higher educations projects
Prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the vice president of the educational and students affairs a delegation of the experts of the national center of measurement in the higher educations projects. The delegation includes Dr. Manal El-Baramaway the professor at the faculty of medicine in Tanta University Dr. Arafa Salama, the professor at the faculty of physical education in Helwan University Dr. Muhammad Watany the professor of engineering in Helwan University and Dr. Hesham Ezat the professor at tourism faculty in EL-Fayoum University.