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Cancel of registration

The registration of the student in the master's or doctorate stages is canceled in the following cases:

If the student does not obtain the (C +) level in the annual cumulative average of the master's degree courses, and the (B-) level in the annual cumulative average of the PhD courses.

  1. If he does not obtain the degree registered for her within five years in the master's degree, and seven years in the doctoral stage since the date of registration.
  2. If the judging and debate committee reject the thesis twice respectively.
  3. If he / she has a (D) rate in more than one subject.
  4. If he / she receives an (F-grade) more than once in a course.
  5. If he fails to attend more than one course and does not enter the exam without an acceptable excuse.
  6. If the tuition fee is not paid in accordance with the rules in force, despite being warned at least twice, and exempted from the performance of tuition fees, demonstrators and assistant lecturers.
  7. If he violates the values and traditions of the university and good conduct according to the investigation carried out with him.
  8. If he fails twice in the qualifying exam for the degree of Doctor of Arts.
  9. If the student does not take the qualifying examination within two years since the date of approval of the College Council as a result of passing the last course.
  10. If the student does not take the qualifying examination within two years from the date of approval of the College Council as a result of passing the last course.
  11. If the student is rated less than (C) three times during the course.